Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring ...Wonderful Spring

Spring and Fall are DEFINITELY my most FAVORITE times of the year. They are so different and so unique and I LOVE so many different and unique things about them. Both seasons reflect the different characters of God and who HE is. For instance, Spring is so new. Spring is so FRESH. Spring is so BEAUTIFUL. Spring demonstrates NEW LIFE. New Life through the HOLY SPIRIT. We see a beautiful sunset and we know that the HS did that. A blooming tree or a budding flower, that is the work of the Spirit. He is FRESH and NEW EVERY MORNING (if we seek Him).
I love the AIR that surrounds us during this time. I love the birds that wake me up BRIGHT AND EARLY, right outside my bedroom window. I love the green blades of grass that are trying their hardest to break through the dead brown mess that lays dormant all winter. I love the way SPRING makes me think of my FATHER and how HE created ALL of this so that we can not help but be drawn to HIM in personal inward worship. I love that HE made ALL of this just for YOU and ME.


  1. Just love your perspective on things. Spring IS new life! It's a new chance to start over and break through what is dead. God's love is all around us. We all have to take the time to see him. Thanks Jena! :)

  2. Glad to see you are blogging again, Jen! Its good to catch up on your family! xoxo
