On the same night that I took Clayton out on a date, Kristian took Reese to a Daddy/Daughter Dance for her girlscout troop. They started the night off with dinner at the Super Fun Restuarant, ICHIBAN (habatchi grill). Where Reese said, she got to help the cook. After that, they made their way over to the dance. Kristian had given Reese a corsage and they even had their picture taken like it was prom. They apparently danced the night away. They got home at the late hour of 9:15 and Reese was EXHAUSTED!! When they got home both of them were grinning ear to ear. Kristian said how special the night was for him and Reese said that her daddy danced with her the entire time. I asked her what her favorite part of the night was and she said with all love and humility... "Having daddy all to myself. AND, that I looked SOOOOO beautiful".
Aww how special! What a beauty :) I look forward to those moments Eric & Elisabeth can share.