I know that this may offend some people, but I am going to go ahead and say it anyway. This past Friday, the KINDERGARTEN class at Liberty Park put on an ELEGANT TEA PARTY! You are thinking COOL, right?? Well this Momma didn't think so. This is an annual thing that this school has been doing for years and I LOVE the idea but not the product. Okay, so here it is...All KINDERGARTENER's have to dress up in their SUNDAY BEST. They have an ELEGANT TEA, where they practice what they have been learning, over the past few weeks, manners and etiquette of all sorts. THIS I LOVE. They have learned how to properly set a table, which silverware to use, how to sit properly, & what to say at the appropriate time. This has been fantastic. Here is the part I HATE... Let me remind you before I start on this rampage that they are in KINDERGARTEN. At the end of the "tea", they have a DANCE. Let me say that again- the KINDERGARTENER's have a DANCE, where they HAVE to dance with their assigned, OPPOSITE SEX partner. Most of the children at this age, hate this anyway...so please tell me WHO this benefits and who is encouraging this??? PARENTS!!! The parents of these children think that this is so cute and sweet and they encourage this interaction with pictures and flowers, etc. They stand on the sidelines snapping pictures of these babies dancing with each. They are ON DISPLAY for our personal amusement and benefit . To me this is so sad. I am saddest for these KINDERGARTENER's. They are babies. They should ONLY be dancing with their Daddy's, Grandpa's, or brother's. We force things on children so early. We force adult/grownup experiences on our babies. Why??? Why do we have to encourage them to grow up so EARLY. It really bothers me. Needless to say, Reese stayed home from school for the day and hung out with my sweet Sis and her babies, and played all day...Did I tell you that they are in KINDERGARTEN.
PS- I think the teaching part of this activity is FABULOUS. I just think it could be taught in a much better way.
5 days ago