The EASTER BUNNY has come and gone! YAY- the kids LOVED it. They went to bed excited and woke up surprised. Their baskets had been filled to the rim with candy, toys, and eggs.
What a great EASTER BUNNY we have :)
I LOVE the week leading up to Easter. It is truly a HUMBLING and oh so THANKFUL time of year. We try to make everyday leading up to Easter, special in some way. On Monday night, we started the week off with our HOLY WEEK devotional. It was all about THE LAST SUPPER. It was a great night to do that because the day before (SUNDAY) we had communion at Church, so my kids got to see this played out. On Tuesday, we made Resurrection Biscuits. This is something we have been doing for years and it is such a great teaching tool. It is a very visual way to explain the RESURRECTION (and it's YUMMY too).

Wednesday was nothing out of the ordinary. We were so swamped with BASEBALL all afternoon that we did not even have a chance to sit down for dinner. It was dinner on the go! Thursday we picked up our celebration week again with homemade UNLEAVENED BREAD. We ate this with our SEMI-KOSHER dinner in honor of MAUNDY THURSDAY. It was TOTALLY different and the kids didn't seem to LOVE it. On Friday, we continued our devotional and went for a walk around our neighborhood remembering this very special day and what OUR SAVIOR sacrificed for us. We also dyed our Easter Eggs for our hunt on Sunday.
My Most favorite activity that we did was on Saturday. We made a CROWN OF THORNS out of clay (baker's clay). I got this idea from a very SPECIAL LADY. She did this with her own children. We talked about the cross and what Jesus went through as we made the crown. Sunday was EASTER! HE IS RISEN. We celebrated with a SUNRISE SERVICE followed by a pancake breakfast. My sister and fam came over for Lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt. After they left, our family took the crown of thorns that we made and we smashed it on the ground, representing that DEATH no longer REIGNED!

It was such a special week for us. The kids really grasped how deep the LOVE of OUR FATHER really is through his ULTIMATE SACRIFICE of HIS ONLY SON!
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